May 13, 2008

Work Update

Lame giler aku tak update my blog... since i have my new boss, i didnt really have chance to update here. My time in office really filled up. But so far he knows that i need to leave office at 6pm latest 6.30pmto pick up my twin. Good thing about him, he is family man and really care anak bini die so he understand when i hv problem or need to send my kid to clinic etc without much question. Kadang2 aku bengang jugak dgn my boss, not really independent by himself like my previous boss. Pas tu byk sangat personal things plus office things for me to handle in a day. Well im still in process of adapting to his style of working. Bile bengang sangat rase macam nak cari keje lain tapi bile dah ok.. tak de la terpikir sangat nak cari keje. But handling an Indian boss memang challenging skit. Tapi takpe, aku cube bertahan selama mane yg bole, kalau dah tak bole, baru la angkat kaki.
Nanti aku nak update pasal my twin plak... tu kene amik mase banyak skit. Dah setahun dah my 2 little angels tu..


Cikja said...

lama gila baru nak update...
keje memang cam tu kan...klu ade masalah mesti pkir nak angkat kaki jerkan...

updatelah pasal anak2 plak..rindu plak aku nak tengok gambo terkini diorang..kak haidzan pun cbok tanyer nape kau tak update2 blog...

azwanihassan said...

Pn Fariza, trima kasih la sbb tgk blog kite yg tak brape nak update dah skrg ni.. sbbnye bos aku yg baru ni asyik ade kat ofis jer.. pas tu die tu suke menjenguk aku dr dlm bilik die, skali die jenguk nmpak aku tgh update blog takke mampus.. aku cube jgk nak update mane yg dapat.