Feb 14, 2008

My Twin - part 2

Dinie on lion at Dataran Pahlawan, Melaka

Khadeja on zebra at Dataran Pahlawan, Melaka

Dinie with his walker

Khadeja in her walker

Dinie driving Mak Usu's car

Pegang botol minum susu sambil tgk TV

Its been sometime i did not put anythin here, especially about my twin. They are 9 months and 8 days now. Sekejap jer rase, baru semalam aku rase sakitnye melahirkan dieorang, teringat-ingat lagi.

Lets start with Khadeja, she is now know how to clap her hand when i sang 'pok amai - amai' happily clap her hand sambil mulut die bising kononnye nyanyi skali.. , she know how to say bye - bye bile aku nak pegi keje pagi2. Mulut die memang riuh skit tapi sampai skrang tak leh nak merangkak lagi, she can lift up her body but everytime nak gerak jer, jatuh balik... takpelah cube lagi ye kakak.. but she can stand up kalau dapat berpaut kat sofa or meja. lepas tu kalau dah pompuan memang pompuan jgk la kan.. khadeja suke main handbag, kalau dapat belek handbag, senyap n leka.

Adik dinie pun dah pandai tepuk tangan and say bye - bye, mestila tak nak kalah dgn kakak die. Adik ni quiet type skit. He can now stand and hold to my sofa to go to another end. He like to hold the car stereng, berangan macam bwk kereta. Adik dinie ni suke buat muka busuk, so cute.. Both of them can recognise their name when I or Yassir call them. They know and understand some of word like fish, ball, bird, bycicle, can understand when we said sit and stand up. Both of them suke sangat lagu iklan / tema TV3 yg selalu kuar kalau lepas Buletin Utama ke or bile next show nak mula. Lepas tu dieorang suke tengok iklan Petronas in between Buletin Utama.

Everyday, mesti ade gelagat baru yg dieorang buat.. i really enjoy my motherhood so much walaupun kdg2 terase penat sangat tapi aku happy tengok anak2 aku dan aku cukup risau kalau dieorang sakit eventhough its only a normal fever. Last week mase Chinese New Year, adik dinie kene measles, before that he was having fever mase we all came back from Melaka (attended Kak Noli's cousin wedding)then lepas baik demam, muke die started kuar rashes, the next morning more rashes in his badan, my baby sitter said its 'campak keladi' and die bagi minum air kelapa supaya cepat kuar, that night aku bawak die pegi clinic, doctor said its demam campak la. alhamdullillah nothing serious, and he was ok after 2 days.

Here, some of their latest photos.


Nomee said...

It's funny.

Aiman like the TV3 song also. na.. nana.. nana... that one. And he is recovering from deman campak keladi. He also has the same walker like your twins. He loves to hold stereng keta too and pretend driving. Siap buka lampu, pasang wiper, pancut air sumer. Remember they have the same baju also?

azwanihassan said...

what a coincidence, aiman ngan dinie ade chemistry la... mesti dah besar nanti bole jadi best friend