Jan 29, 2008

Annual Dinner 2007

Boss aku yg sexy..

HOD band

Sabri in Holiday Inn Idol... nyanyi lagu Flybait- Kenangan Lalu

myself with Eza, Sabri and Shah...

myself with Dollah aka Ella, Lynda, Kak Mai, Azizah & Sanin

Last Friday 25th Jan, we were having our 2007 Annual Dinner. This year our team is "Rock Unite" so kene pakai ala - ala rock la... but i just pakai jeans koyak n t shirt jer.. But the most excited part was the lucky draw la.. guess what i won 4th lucky draw prize... my lucky number was 007 (James Bond gitu...). Mase our MC si Shamsul Ghau Ghau tu bagi hint "sape suke tengok cite James Bond"? aku dah perasan dah... then mase die announce OO7 aku pun dgn excited nye naik stage utk mengambil hadiah tu.. yg best nye aku menang 1 set Kingkoil Queen Mattress complete with divan and headboard worth about RM1300. Seronok giler... since aku keja, aku rase ini lah lucky draw prize yg paling best aku pernah menang. Rezki si kembar kot.. so lepas ni aku dah plan nak pindah katil aku skrg to our guest room then the new bed to be in my room. Tapi they will only send the Mattress after Chinese New Year, takpelah asalkan dapat..

Malam tu.. our HOD did the opening performance la.. kelakar giler... my boss Rock and sexy giler... Some of the photos untuk kenang - kenangan..

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